Thursday, August 07, 2008


Latest gossip

Dear Mario,

During my holiday I visited with Tanneguy. He is finished with the RCA and glad because of it. The power in Bangui has now failed completely with chaos as a result. If health permits Tanneguy will continue in Douala. Pere Piet de Groot is dead.
Also pere de Bozendi is dead. They went with him to the best hospital but the generator was broken. The next had room but was too filthy and the last was OK but was crammed to the top and so they turned him down.
Two cooperants from Kembe were in Bangui with their parents. They took a cab from the centre d'acceuil to a restaurant at the river. The driver was quite drunk, took a wrong turn and ended up in front of the presidential palace. They were held for twenty hours suspected of being rebels trying to overthrow the government! Thanks to a French army officer who happened to see it all they were released. However nobody dared to let them go, so finally the president himself had to sign the release order.
In spite of this a growing number of volunteers are coming to the CAR. The French organisation DCC is the main provider. However many no longer have any affinity with catholics so on the 'workfloor' there is increased friction.

Stay well,


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